Abdullah Gül Universtiy makes protocols with national and international institutions by this way students can improve themselves during their undergraduate education and support to find a job after graduation.
Partner Companies for Internship
Adesso Turkey | 3 | 2 | https://www.adesso.com.tr/en/index-3.jsp |
AIE Engineering | 1 | 0 | https://aieengineering.com |
Airties | 1 | 0 | http://www.airties.com.tr/ |
Albasini & Berkhout Architects | 1 | 0 | https://www.ayb.es/project-tag/architecture-en/ |
Alessandro Pepe Arquitecto | 3 | 0 | http://www.a-pepe.com |
Arkopa | 4 | 0 | https://arkopa.com.tr/ |
ASELSAN | 1 | 0 | https://ie.agu.edu.tr/is-hayatini-oegrenme-programi |
ASPİLSAN | 2 | 2 | https://ie.agu.edu.tr/is-hayatini-oegrenme-programi |
Barcelona Supercomputing Center | 2 | 1 | https://www.bsc.es/ |
Batron Enerji | 1 | 0 | https://www.batronenerji.com/ |
Boyteks Tekstil | 1 | 0 | https://www.boyteks.com/ |
Bozankaya | 1 | 0 | https://www.bozankaya.com.tr/en/home/ |
Broad Institute | 1 | 0 | https://www.broadinstitute.org/ |
Brydg Capital | 1 | 0 | https://brydg.com/ |
Center for Cancer Biology - VIB-KU Leuven | 2 | 0 | https://vib.be/vib-ku-leuven-center-cancer-biology |
Claudica | 1 | 0 | https://cloudica.pl |
Codevist | 1 | 0 | https://www.codevist.com/ |
Dağ Mühendislik ve Yapı Danışmanlığı | 1 | 0 | https://www.dagmuhendislik.com/ |
Dönsa Tekstil | 1 | 1 | https://ie.agu.edu.tr/is-hayatini-oegrenme-programi |
Ege Altyapı-Açıkalın Altyapı | 1 | 0 | https://www.egealtyapi.com.tr |
Elda | 1 | 0 | https://elldamobilya.com/ |
Entegre Project Management & Consultancy | 2 | 1 | https://epy.com.tr |
Erciyes Üniversitesi | 1 | 0 | https://www.erciyes.edu.tr/ |
ERFARMA | 1 | 0 | https://erfarma.erciyes.edu.tr |
Esen Sistem Entegrasyon | 1 | 0 | https://www.esensi.com.tr |
Extramus | 1 | 0 | https://www.extramus.eu |
FNF Teknoloji | 1 | 0 | https://www.fnfteknoloji.com/en/ |
Ford Otosan | 2 | 0 | https://www.fordotosan.com.tr/tr |
GAMS Software GmbH | 1 | 0 | https://www.gams.com |
Genos | 1 | 0 | https://www.genos.hr |
Gümüssuyu | 5 | 1 | https://ie.agu.edu.tr/is-hayatini-oegrenme-programi |
Hakanlar inşaat ve yatak baza | 1 | 0 | NO |
Haksys Enterprise (Fransa) | 1 | 0 | http://www.haksys.fr |
Hepsiburada | 1 | 0 | https://www.hepsiburada.com/ |
Hes Kablo | 11 | 0 | https://www.hes.com.tr/ |
Hk İnşaat Mimarlık | 1 | 0 | http://hkmimarlik.com/ |
İnsigma | 6 | 1 | https://www.insigma.com.tr |
İstikbal | 1 | 0 | https://www.istikbal.com.tr/ |
Kayseri Model Fabrika | 2 | 1 | https://ie.agu.edu.tr/is-hayatini-oegrenme-programi |
Keysight Technologies (Danimarka) | 2 | 0 | https://www.keysight.com/zz/en/home.html |
KODECO | 1 | 1 | https://www.zoop.city/ |
Konsept Dizayn Mimarlık Müh. Ltd. Şti. | 1 | 1 | https://konseptinsaat.com/ |
LATVIAN BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH AND STUDY CENTRE | 1 | 0 | http://biomed.lu.lv/en/ |
Lodos Proje | 1 | 0 | http://lodosproje.com.tr/ |
LUNDS UNIVERSITET | 1 | 0 | https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se |
MaM High Tech Corp | 3 | 1 | https://www.mamhightech.com/index.html |
Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme | 1 | 0 | https://is.mpg.de/de |
Metro Market | 3 | 0 | https://www.metro-tr.com/ |
Metu Civil Engineering | 2 | 0 | https://ce.metu.edu.tr |
Mimsa Alüminyum | 1 | 1 | https://www.mimsa.com.tr |
Modanisa | 1 | 0 | http://www.modanisa.com |
NDB Europe LTD. | 1 | 0 | https://ndb.technology/ |
NOBLICA Deutschland | 1 | 0 | No |
Novumare Technologies | 1 | 0 | https://novumare.com.tr |
Odtü İnş Müh Böl. | 1 | 0 | https://ce.metu.edu.tr/tr |
OmicEra Diagnostics | 1 | 0 | https://omicera.com |
open potentials e.U. | 1 | 0 | No |
Orta Anadolu | 3 | 0 | https://www.ortaanadolu.com/ |
Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Human Resources Office | 30 | 0 | https://careerw3.agu.edu.tr/Internshipcbiko# |
Pronorm Yapı Denetim Ltd. Şti. | 2 | 2 | NO |
Ravaber | 1 | 0 | https://ravagobuildingsolutions.com/tr/tr/ |
RUHR-UNIVERSITAET BOCHUM | 1 | 0 | https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/de |
Selvi Technology | 2 | 0 | http://www.selvitechnology.com |
Ser Dayanıklı Tüketim | 3 | 0 | https://www.simfer.com.tr/ |
Serra Endüstri Mimarlık | 1 | 0 | https://www.serrayapiinsaat.com/ |
Solid Electron | 1 | 1 | https://solidelectron.com/en/home |
Spectrum | 2 | 1 | https://ie.agu.edu.tr/is-hayatini-oegrenme-programi |
Stryker | 4 | 2 | https://ie.agu.edu.tr/is-hayatini-oegrenme-programi |
Studio tecnico project 2.0 | 1 | 0 | https://www.studiotecnicorusso.it/48/home |
Teknopar | 1 | 0 | https://teknopar.com.tr |
Teknoza | 1 | 0 | https://teknoza.be |
The Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN) in Magdeburg | 1 | 0 | https://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de//en/institutes/leibniz-institutes-all-lists/leibniz-institute-for-neurobiology/ |
TOBB ETÜ / Telekomünikasyon Sistemleri Laboratuvarı | 1 | 0 | https://www.etu.edu.tr/tr |
Tübitak Bilgem | 1 | 1 | https://bilgem.tubitak.gov.tr |
TÜBİTAK BİLGEM YTE | 2 | 1 | https://yte.bilgem.tubitak.gov.tr/ |
Turknet | 3 | 2 | https://turk.net/ |
TUSAS | 4 | 0 | https://www.tusas.com/inovasyon-teknoloji/universite-sanayi-isbirligi-protokolleri |
UNICEDU | 2 | 0 | https://unicedu.com |
UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA | 1 | 0 | https://www.unizar.es |
UNIVERSITEIT HASSELT | 1 | 0 | https://www.uhasselt.be/nl |
Viita Concept | 1 | 0 | NO |
Yakup Hakan İnş | 1 | 0 | NO |
YATAŞ | 3 | 1 | https://ie.agu.edu.tr/is-hayatini-oegrenme-programi |
YDA inşaat | 1 | 0 | https://www.yda.com.tr |
Yoa İnş | 1 | 0 | NO |
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